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We'll cover anything and everything that helps you sell more, including data-driven insights, email marketing tips, prospecting thought leadership, and sales and marketing best practice.


By Connor Addis

18 min read

How to write a cold email that converts: Proven strategies for 2024

In an era where everyone's inbox is flooded with offers and proposals, knowing how ...

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By Bea Plummer

3 min read

The vital role of appointment setting for IT/managed service providers

In the bustling world of IT and Managed Service Providers (MSPs), making meaningful connections ...

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By Bea Plummer

5 min read

Elevate your email marketing with A/B testing and personalisation

Are you tired of sending emails that seem to disappear into the void, never ...

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By Bea Plummer

8 min read

Unlocking connections: the profound influence of email personalisation

In today’s digital age, writing a good email is a bit like cooking a ...

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By Bea Plummer

6 min read

Mastering the art of email sequences: crafting connections and conversions

Picture this: an email that not only grabs your attention but also compels you ...

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By Beth Townsend

4 min read

Lead Gen Dept: the number one UK B2B appointment setting agency

All businesses look to demonstrate their competitive edge and find ways to stand out ...

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By Beth Townsend

7 min read

Key considerations for GDPR compliance

Data protection is highly regulated in the UK. GDPR compliance is vital for businesses ...

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By Beth Townsend

4 min read

ICPs part one: the strategic role of ideal customer profiles in building valuable connections

Ideal Customer Profiles are an intrinsic part of successful B2B sales. An Ideal Customer ...

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By Beth Townsend

4 min read

How do we define a lead?

To succeed in business, you need qualified leads that convert into sales. No business ...

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By Beth Townsend

3 min read

Streamlining success: Why invest in calendar management?

Everybody recognises that time is a precious commodity. Entrepreneurs and professionals often find themselves ...

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By Beth Townsend

4 min read

Elevate and excel: the shift from pushy to value-driven sales

Simply pushing products or services onto potential customers is no longer an effective strategy. ...

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By Beth Townsend

4 min read

8 ways to avoid spam and ensure GDPR compliance

We’ve already looked closely at the ins and outs of GDPR , but it’s ...

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By Connor Addis

2 min read

What marketing channel should you use to grow your business?

How should I grow my business?💰 There are so many options. Email, Linkedin, SEO, ...

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By Connor Addis

10 min read

Optimising your LinkedIn profile

3 questions you need to ask yourself. 1.Who is your audience? 2. How would ...

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By Connor Addis

2 min read

Get more sales by telling prospects about your worst feature...

If I showed you a way you can get more sales and all you ...

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By Connor Addis

4 min read

ICPs part two: how to create an ideal customer profile

In our first article discussing Ideal Customer Profiles we looked at their value to ...

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By Connor Addis

2 min read

A close you can use that helped me sell over 1 million dollars in sales

I want to share a close that helped me sell in excess of 1 ...

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By Connor Addis

4 min read

Where are you on the trust ladder with your clients?

The Trust Ladder is a concept I learnt from the company Xant Labs and ...

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By Connor Addis

3 min read

Why traditional sales outperform AI/automation in B2B sales.

If you want to significantly increase the sales in your B2B business be careful ...

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By Connor Addis

1 min read

Spam trap words to avoid and how to find them easily before sending your email.

Do you use email as part of your outreach strategy? Did you know in ...

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By Connor Addis

2 min read

10 meetings for £20 without cold calling

I want to try to help with a gift (hence the pic) to show ...

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By Connor Addis

2 min read

What is your promised land?

Are you happy with your sales pitch? Does your pitch include a section about ...

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By Connor Addis

2 min read

Getting past gatekeepers to reach decision-makers tip

RARE TIP – Change your mind set and change your results. (Guaranteed) Most sales ...

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By Connor Addis

2 min read

Stop giving away free consulting

Free consulting is where you give a prospect all your answers and knowledge before ...

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