A close you can use that helped me sell over 1 million dollars in sales

I want to share a close that helped me sell in excess of 1 million dollars in products
It’s funny so I thought I’d share it
This close is suited for high-value B2C companies
I know what you are thinking, closes don’t work
I agree If you haven’t built rapport or listened then no “close” will work
I was selling home improvement products like roofing with prices £10 / £20K so not cheap
Usually sold to a husband and wife at their home
A negotiation always took place, I’m at 20K the client wants it for 15K
I would call my manager to ‘approve’ a price reduction which I knew he could (the prospect needs to feel they earned the reduction)
While on the phone: “John, my manager says he can’t do it at £15K but he can meet you halfway at £17.5 however it’s on one condition”
The buyer is concerned about the condition and is keen to know what this is
“He can do it at 17.5 on the condition that you take your wife out for dinner”
The wife and husband look at each other. Smile / laugh and then turn to me
“Are you happy to move forward?”
90% – YES
Followed by “My manager would like to thank you for your business” (great to secure a sale – hard to take back a thankyou)
This close works because it turns a stressful moment into a funny one